Olive Oil Tasting

Pasta, great cheese, best-tasting wine, and olive trees are most often associated with Italy and the Italian culture. Throughout the country, more than two million acres are covered by gorgeous olive groves, contributing to Italy’s unique Mediterranean feel. Genuine extra virgin olive oil is greatly admired by both enthusiasts and the general public. It’s arguably Italy’s most valuable commodity and cultural heritage.  

Aside from its unique, delicious taste, olive oil has a lot of health benefits, including lowering the risk of heart disease and regulating blood sugar. Nearly every Italian recipe includes olive oil in some shape or form and for a good reason. It’s rich taste, spiciness and acidity define the flavor of some of the most popular meals, and it’s hard to imagine any Mediterranean-based diet without it. However, not all olive oil is made the same, even in Italy.


Dedicated Producers and Award-Winning Products

Olive oil is produced in every region of Italy, except in the northern Alpine areas. Sicily is especially known for producing large quantities of amazing tasting oil, but Tuscany, Umbria, and Lazio are not far behind. There are over 500 varieties of olives grown on Italian soil, and about the same amount of different flavor profiles. 

The best tasting olive oil is usually produced by family-owned estate operations that can be found in some of the most secluded areas familiar only to the locals. Luckily, your personal chauffeur will know their way around these tucked-away towns and villages and can take you directly to these estates. By incorporating olive oil tasting into your travel itinerary, you’ll be able to try organic products of the highest quality. We offer several different day tours, contact us for more information. 

Olive Oil Tasting
Olive Oil Tasting